Pediatric Nutrition Services

1. Nutritional examination and treatment of diseases such as:
- Children have anorexia, malnutrition, slow weight and height gain, chronic lack of energy, lack of micronutrients, etc.
- Digestive disorders: constipation, diarrhea Metabolic disorders: overweight, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension,...
- Metabolic disorders: overweight, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension,...
2. Periodic nutritional examination and consultation at each golden time, to be able to promptly guide the baby's comprehensive development diet (nutrition examination and consultation in the first year of life, nutrition for children children from 0-7 years old, nutritional examination for teenagers from 7 years old and older and adults).
3. Practical instructions on how to prepare food to supplement nutrition for children according to each age, nutritional status and illness of the child (weaning, porridge, rice for older children):
- Consulting on weaning (according to methods) for children from 6 months old
- Instructions on how to cook flour/porridge/eat rice for children 6 months and older